How to Customize Personalized Sunglasses in OOLVS Store

How to Customize Personalized Sunglasses in OOLVS Store



Step 1: Choose customizable text area

  • 1 Area: choose 1 area from A, B, C, D, and E areas

  • 2 Areas: choose 2 areas from A, B, C, D, and E areas

  • 3 Areas: choose 3 areas from A, B, C, D, and E areas

  • 4 Areas: choose 4 areas from A, B, C, D, and E areas

  • 5 Areas: all areas from A, B, C, D, and E areas


Step 2: Choose fonts

  • F1: Abril Fatface

  • F2: Courgette

  • F3: Dancing Script

  • F4: Josefin Sans

  • F5: La Belle Aurore

  • F6: Lobster Two

  • F7: Montserrat

  • F8: Noto Serif

  • F9: Zen Dots

Step 3:  Enter your personalized text content

For example (area + font)
2 Areas + F3

  • A: Happy Mother's Day

  • B: 2023.05.14

  • F3

4 Areas + F6

  • A: Happy Father's Day

  • B: 2023

  • C: Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.

  • D: I love you

  • F6


Step 4:  Confirmation of final information

a:) If you forget to leave a personalized text, please send an email to after the payment
The format is as in the example above.

b:) We will send a confirmation email to your email address, please make sure that the email address you leave is correct.
c:) Please select the correct area option and product color when purchasing